Only when I moved off-grid did I get acquainted with the hand brace (left, above) and was shocked to discover that though one does sacrifice some speed in using a hand brace, one gains an incredible amount of torque. The whole battery drill thing is a scam! Except, perhaps, when it comes to assembling large decks, say, with one thousand little screws. And as there is a borrowed battery drill in the picture here, there are obviously occasions when the hand brace doesn't quite cut it.
The place where I buy most of my tools no longer sells hand braces, the closest they get now is the "egg-beater"-drill (center, above). This implement is nothing but an insult, hardly powerful enough for papercraft, and gives hand-powered tools a bad name.
Hermit's verdict:
Power drill: Ok for some applications. Unsustainable in the long run.
Hand brace: Excellent, low-maintenance
Egg-beater style drill: Worthless piece of shit
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