Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Водогонный аппарат

Makeblog and Boing Boing have both featured this delightful man and his water purifier. Fortunately, through my contacts in the military-industrial complex, I have been able to have the original text translated from Russian. (To see the pictures, go to the original site.)

Anton Ivanovich Reznikov is 68 years old and has worked all his life as an engineer and technician. Even as a pensioner he has not abandoned is favourite pastime. In a cramped kitchen in his one room apartment he has made a real water purifier (not to be confused with a distiller). The looming, yet efficient invention transforms polluted tap water to perfectly clean, potable water. The inventor does not keep the details of the apparatus to himself. On the contrary he offers the details to anyone who wishes to construct a similar contraption so that they too forever can bid farewell to dirty water.

Picture 1.

Ioniser. The water passes through a container with silver (in this case some old watches and a couple of silver teeth.) During this phase, the structure of the water is reestablished and the water absorbs the silver's ions. A quartz lamp has been added to improve the effect.

Picture 2.

Magnetic bottle. A plastic bottle with magnets (the originator has used magnets from a refrigerator). Here, metal is removed from the water.

Picture 3.

Coal filter. A plastic container, filled with ball point pens that are, in turn, filled with activated carbon. Carbon is an excellent absorbent and sucks up contaminants.

Picture 4.

Mineral deposits. A five litre container with rocks. Rocks are natural minerals. Anton Ivanovich has transported the rocks himself from a sanatorium. They nourish the water and add a distinguished, natural flavour.

Picture 5

Sound chamber. An old radio-cassette player is taped to the container. The sounds of classical music have positive effects on the water, and improve it's structure.

Picture 6.

Grain container. Funnel made out of a bottle neck, filled with millet. Here, the water absorbs minerals and the aroma of Russian fields, an aroma that can be compared to nothing else.

Picture 7.

Thermal tunnel. A metal shower hose wrapped around a radiator. Here, the water is quickly heated to 70 degrees Celsius (158 F), thus killing all microbes.

Picture 8.

Stratification. Plastic container with layers of different types of soil and sand, with a flower on top.

Picture 9.

Modestly sized pitcher. The water has now passed through all the stages and can be imbibed, preferably cooled.

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