This is one of the reasons I'm so obsessed with load carrying on bicycles. A bicycle without a rack carrier is not really a mode of transportation, it's a toy on par with a trampoline or a croquet set. But even a rack only goes that far. Once I've stuffed my panniers for a set of decent "civilian" clothes and some groceries, there's not a lot of space left. I've done quite a lot of touring with front- and rear panniers, and you really can take a lot with you that way, but packing takes a lot of time.
Spacious and accomodating as the bags on my long tail bicycle are, I could carry even more if I added a pair of "Wideloaders", essentialy kind of shelves that run along the extended rear part of the bicycle, from slightly behind the crank and past the rear wheel.
I made some myself with som dowels, plywood and hose clamps. The advantage is that carrying bulky items is now a lot easier, and even when I don't have that much to freight, packing no longer requires incredible dexterity and four hands because stuff can rest on the wideloaders while I fasten them to the bicycle.
Picture set of the process here.
Much to my delight, this humble piece of carpentry has been featured on Bikehacks and The Xtracycle Gallery.
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